Each session begins and ends with a selection of brain-bending puzzles. Unlock secret codes and conquer logic challenges that’ll leave you feeling like a puzzle-solving genius!
The bulk of the session is an adult led activity. These are some examples of things you might get up to:
Card Game Bonanza: Prepare for a maths showdown with super cool card games that’ll sharpen your numerical ninja skills!
Train Track Master Builders: Put on your hard hats and get ready to build epic train tracks while keeping an eye on your budget. It’s math-tastic engineering fun!
Maths Magic Academy: Abracadabra-Alakazam! Unleash your inner maths wizard and dazzle your friends with mind-boggling maths magic tricks!
Lego Island Adventures: Set sail on Lego islands, and use your maths mojo to plan the most cost effective routes.
Maths Expedition in the Underground: Grab your compass and dive into the mysterious world of London Underground maps!
Race Probability Showdown: Get revved up for a thrilling race, where you’ll calculate the odds of victory and become the master of racing probability!
Chart-tastic Adventure: Navigate through colourful charts and graphs on an exciting data expedition. Can you decode the meaning hidden within the charts?
Trading Tycoon Showdown: Step into the shoes of a math-savvy trader! Rise to the top by making clever decisions and playing trading challenges like a pro!
The following are samples of our weekly sessions which we hope to launch soon.
We understand that children thrive in learning environments where they can actively engage, face stimulating challenges, and utilize hands-on resources. Each of our sessions is thoughtfully designed to nurture these elements in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere.